You saw in yesterday's news that Apple had a good quarter in spite of the economy and doubled the number of iPod Touchs sold. (I helped; giving away four myself). What's more, today Apple broke through 1 billion apps downloaded. At the same time, Tim Cook declared that Apple isn't interested in building crappy netbooks with tiny screens and cramped keyboards.
What is hidden in plain sight is this: Apple already has. It's called the iPod Touch.
A computer that fits in your pocket, runs any type of software imaginable, plays your songs, tracks your calendar, even does email and phone and Web when near WiFi. This thing is a netbook! (tiny screen and crappy keyboard notwithstanding)
This is typical Apple. They tell us they aren't interested in a market, then they produce something just a little different and declare the market has changed "One Billion Apps!" and now they are leading it.
When I worked at Apple we used to tell a joke that went like this:
A: "None. Microsoft will just declare darkness as the new standard."
How the times have changed.
Btw, I'm still giving away stuff. Best chance ever to win something every day is right here.