Take a minute to read this story. Then come back here. I'll wait.
OK. So I have a question. If you are an Apple user and fan, are you willing to "look the other way?" Have you dealt with uncharacteristic problems with Apple products but are willing to give the Cupertino mother ship a pass? If you are a marketer interested in how Apple marketing is so effective, you probably wonder about brand loyalty and customer satisfaction. But does any of that matter with Apple? Is Steve's famed "reality distortion field" able to reach all the way to buyers wallets?
Let me be honest. I have had uncharacteristic issues with my iPhone and my MacBook Pro that I've never had with other Apple products before. I have owned at least 50 Apple products in over 20 years and I have never called for tech support before my latest MacBook Pro (the one I'm using right now to pen this post) started giving me fits. And Apple couldn't even figure out what is wrong. Stories abound (my last post included) about issues with Apple quality control and broken promises.
So how does Apple earn such fiercely loyal customers?
I'd love your answers in the comment sections of this post. I think I know why and I will provide my own answer in my next post.