Link: FORTUNE: Big Tech A chat with Apple’s iPod and iPhone marketing czar «.
Fascinating view at how Apple markets the iBook, iPod & iPhone. Pay careful attention to the differences in product marketing required for success in international markets. Greg Joswiak ("Joz" as they call him - a cool cross between Jobs and Woz) is a great guy who really does listen to the market, its customers and employees. His role leading both Product Marketing (outbound) and Product Management (inbound) is a critical clue to how Apple has become so successful. Basically they have tied these two functions together under one team where they can interface closely with Engineering. When you do it this way you can get closer to your customers, listen to the needs of the market and produce products people really want.
Personal note: I remember when I was working hard to get renewed interest within Apple with the Higher Education market back in 1997 and Greg and his team really stepped up to help. Thanks Joz!